A charming spot in the most beautiful part of historic Znojmo. In the summer, you won’t be able to resist choosing a courtyard that looks straight out of a seaside town in the Mediterranean. The experience is completed with a fantastic lunch made from farm-fresh ingredients, local wines, coffee, and freshly baked desserts every day.
Mikuláš Bistro
This place has a unique genius loci. The interior and overall atmosphere are beautiful. We had the opportunity to visit this bistro before and were thrilled.
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Tipy na aktivity v okolí
A lively county. In and around the town. In the centre of Znojmo, visit the castle, the rotunda, and the wine enoteca, all in one area! You can relax perfectly from the summer heat in the magnificent medieval underground.
Around the town, go on a trip through the Podyjí National Park, which is full of rare fauna, from salamanders to green lizards. Speaking of the Thaya River, rent a boat at the Stará Vodárna Znojmo Boating Centre, and set sail – it’s great! Or walk from Hnanice towards the painted cellar in Šatov (oh yes, there is a risk of wine-tasting along the way).
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Katalog Gourmet
Průvodce po úžasných restauracích, bistrech, kavárnách, vinařstvích a vinotékách, pivnicích a pivovarech jižní Moravy!
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