The atmosphere of the area is soothing.

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Not only tea and herbs! Sonnentor is a cosy tea parlour with a café which pours from 100% organic Arabica coffee beans from the Caturra of Nicaragua. They serve their own organic cakes and offer refreshing gluten-free vegan ice cream. All around you is the rich aroma of herbs. The Sonnentor grounds are paradise.

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Espresso prepared properly, the carrot cake with orange is very good and the staff nice and helpful – the cafe fits perfectly into the entire Sonnentor complex.

Detail podniku

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Mon-Thu 9:00 – 17:00
Sat-Sun, bank holidays 09:00 – 18:00

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Příhon 943
696 15 Čejkovice

Tipy na aktivity v okolí

We have a program for you also after tasting coffee and herbal teas – for example to the Hradištěk chapel, surrounded by vineyards. For a bigger trip we recommend the Templar fortress and the labyrinth of cellars in Čejkovice. You can also walk to the post-type windmill from 1870 in Starý Podvorov.

For those who want to enjoy wine, vineyards, and views, we recommend the trail above the vineyards on Kobylí Hill (above the village Kobylí). An unusual barrier-free lookout tower in the shape of an unfinished circle symbolizes the life-cycle of nature.

Copyright Centrála cestovního ruchu Jižní Morava, z.s.p.o. , IČO: 75063638

Projekt realizován dle konceptu Gourmet Brno® , jehož autorem je TIC Brno